Choose the plan that works for you.

Start for free, upgrade when you're ready.

Monthly Yearly



  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited clients
  • Project management for an unlimited number of projects
  • 500 MB storage space
  • All integrations


$29.00 / month

  • All functions from the free version
  • 10 GB storage space
  • Automatic scheduling for 20 projects
  • Whitelabeling
  • Extended rights management for 20 projects


$49.00 / month

  • All functions from the free version
  • 50 GB storage space
  • Automatic scheduling for 100 projects
  • Whitelabeling
  • Extended rights management for 100 projects


Let's talk

  • All functions from the free version
  • 500 GB storage space
  • Unlimited automatic scheduling
  • Whitelabeling
  • Extended rights management (unlimited)
  • Individual integrations
  • Individual features
+49 251 590 644-60
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