More success in the agency business with FeatValue and Trello

With the FeatValue integration, you can better involve your clients in your project management while working in your familiar Trello environment.

Connect Trello with FeatValue

FeatValue: Simple, clear client portal with all necessary functions

Your project management software: Complex workflows with many views, filters and settings

FeatValue UI

Configured in just a few steps


Authenticate in Trello

Here you can allow FeatValue access to Trello.

Registration with FeatValue

After you have authorized yourself, you will be redirected to FeatValue. There you can create a FeatValue account. Your FeatValue account will be linked automatically.

E-mail verification

Welcome to FeatValue!

Now you've done it! You can now invite your clients and work with them. Click on "Create client":

Create client

FeatValue was developed for collaboration with the client.

Create project

Each client can have several projects. You can create a project by clicking on "Create project".

The project was created in Trello

After you have created the project, it has already been created in Trello. Each FeatValue status is defined as a separate section.

You can recognize projects from FeatValue by the prefix "FV - ".

Create task

This completes the configuration. You and your client can now create tasks in FeatValue

Once the task has been created, it also appears in Trello.

Activate Power Up

For easier operation, you can now go to "Add Power-Ups" and activate the FeatValue Power-Up. This allows you to see all comments directly in Trello. You can also jump directly to FeatValue.

Review process

Now you can complete the work with your team and drag the task to the "Doing" section. If your client changes the priority in the meantime, this will be transferred directly to Trello. As soon as you are finished, you can drag the task to the "Client review" section.

Your client will be notified by e-mail and can check the task in FeatValue:


The task can be accepted or rejected.

If something is still missing, the task is set to "In Progress" again in Trello. If everything is in order, the task is also closed in FeatValue and you have earned your time off!

Connecting existing boards in FeatValue

You can also integrate existing Trello projects into FeatValue. To do this, create the FeatValue Power-Up in the respective project. If you then click on “FeatValue” for a card, you can transfer it to FeatValue.

First, you can assign the project to a FeatValue client. If you do not yet have a client in FeatValue, you can create one directly.


In the next step, each list is assigned a status in FeatValue. If no list exists for a FeatValue status, it can be created automatically.

Existing boards were imported with tasks

The project is then imported into Featvalue together with the tasks and linked.

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